Digital Marketing with Eleanor Creative

Digital Marketing with Eleanor Creative 

If you own a business, you understand the importance of selling your products or services. It’s the lifeline to the success of your company. That success is directly related to how you market those goods or services. What marketing strategies you utilize may be the cosmic question in this age of everything digital. Eleanor Creative in Lincoln, Nebraska has been using digital marketing to help our clients achieve their corporate goals.

Digital marketing involves using the internet, mobile apps, social media, search engine optimization (SEO), etc. to promote or sell products or services. The benefits of digital marketing are vast. Digital marketing allows you to reach a much larger audience, even globally. And you can target your audiences using data that shows the types of products they are searching for, where they live and their age group, and what digital platforms they use to search for a product or service.

Digital marketing can be a more cost-effective option for your audience compared to traditional marketing such as television, radio, and print advertising. Keep in mind that you may need to use a combination of digital and traditional marketing options to reach your audience. The bottom line: spending less marketing dollars to reach more consumers equals a much greater return on your investment.

Eleanor’s Approach to Digital Marketing

Custom Content

Eleanor Creative spends a lot of time getting to know our clients. We want to learn about your team and what your business culture is, who your customers are, and the strategic objectives for your company. Having a good understanding of these areas allows us to develop informative, educational, and engaging content that represents your business and creates a connection with existing and future customers.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process that makes your website come up first on a page when someone is searching for topics in Google or other search engines. Knowing what your customers are searching for is important. Make sure you use keywords specific to your industry in your web content, blogs, and general messaging so that the search engines can find your business easily. Investing in SEO is a very cost-effective digital marketing strategy that will drive traffic to your website. Social Platforms

Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Google My Business. You’ve heard about these social platforms, and are probably using some of them currently. They can be very useful tools in your digital marketing toolkit, but you may be wondering which ones will give your company the best advantage when it comes to promoting your products. Let’s dive deeper into how these digital platforms can make a difference in your business.

  • Facebook uses existing customers, friends, etc. who you can encourage to “like” your Facebook page, associating them with your brand and creating greater awareness among their contacts.

  • Instagram is a business builder that gives you the ability to directly connect with your online shoppers, inform them about your products or services, and offer exclusive opportunities.

  • Linkedin, though primarily associated with career opportunities, is also a good way to increase brand awareness and educate potential customers on your products or services.

  • Twitter is another way to connect with consumers and build brand awareness by offering a platform that allows comments and/or questions to be posted and responses given in real-time.

  • Google My Business makes it easier for your customers to find your retail location through Google Search and Maps.

The key is to create engaging and customized content for each platform and to post on a regular basis, like several times a week, to ensure your brand stays top of mind.

E-Newsletters Connect Your Business 

The modern-day newsletter is online. It’s concise, content-focused, and can be read quickly. Creating an E-newsletter is a very productive way to connect you with your audience as often, or as little, as you want. More importantly, your business doesn’t incur printing, paper, and mailing costs. Our E-Newsletter is pretty awesome! Sign up here.

The Right Digital Strategy Builds Your Brand

We tell our clients that having the right digital marketing strategy can make a huge difference in people knowing about your brand and why they need your products or services. Without it, your information gets buried in the noise from all of the other brands trying to get the attention of your potential customers. Your digital marketing tactics can elevate your messaging above the competition. You do this by:

  • Educating your consumers about your products and services

  • Showcasing your featured sale items

  • Promoting events you support

  • Showcasing your team

  • Providing community outreach

At Eleanor Creative, we understand that every client is unique and your digital marketing should be too. Let us help shine the spotlight on your brand’s uniqueness. See how we have helped other clients at

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