Improve Your Website with Tips from Eleanor Creative

Own Your Website

There are many things in life we cannot control, so let’s focus on what we can control today. That’s your website. You are in complete control of the look, feel, and voice of your website and all the content that graces its digital pages. Your website matters to your brand and your clients. We want to encourage you to block out a little time, or hire your favorite web consultants and improve your website.

1. Link your Google My Business page to your website.

We’ve included an easy tutorial below on how to find your map code. The map code needs to be in the footer of your website. While it’s not the most visually appealing map, it will help with your SEO (search engine optimization).

2. Make sure your website is secure with an SSL certificate.

This sounds more complicated than it is. If you don’t have one it’s a very easy fix. Feel free to reach out for help. On SquareSpace, it is as easy as clicking a box. Google flags sites that do not have an SSL and we don’t want Google upset, throwing flags around. This is not just an SEO booster, it’s a necessity.

To find out if your site is secure, look to the left of your url. If you see a closed lock you are good to go, if it is an open lock and says not secure, you will want to fix it right away. Also, if your site says http and not https — then you need to get your SSL certificate. We can send you more reading on this or shoot us a message for questions

3. When is the last time you have tested your “contact us form” on your website?

If it’s been a while, go ahead and send yourself a test to make sure your customers/patients are able to contact you through your site. And while you are at it, say something nice to yourself. You are working hard and deserve a compliment!

4. Our world is constantly changing.

Keep your website up-to-date so your customers don’t have to go searching for the correct info. Have emergency notices on the front page of your site, highlight specials or new services and events, and make sure your hours are updated. For example, during a health pandemic like COVID we need to be sure to give details about any Telehealth or other virtual services you may be offering.

5. Anything you post on your website, link it to your social channels and Google My Business page.

As always if you need help with any of these tasks, please reach out to us 402-477-2721 or contact us here.

It isn’t always an easy to start to improve your website, but you can do it!

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