Trendy Education from Eleanor + Google Trends

Are you Familiar with Google Trends?

Explore what the world is searching online so you can use the right keywords to get consumers to you! ???? Read all about Trendy Education from Eleanor below and watch our collective masterpiece video!

Google Trends is one of the resources you can use when you are planning out content for your website. This tool may just become your best friend when evaluating what keywords to optimize when you are talking about your products and services online.

Case Study

When working with our Optometry clients we have to know whether our client’s patients are searching for “eye doctor” or “optometrist” when they venture out into the internet for eye care professionals and clinics. The tricky thing is that this can vary from region to region.

Our team at Eleanor Creative in Lincoln, NE uses Google Trends to make sure we were using the correct keywords and it turns out that “eye doctor” typically takes the cake in Lincoln, NE, and really in every state besides California. The things we don’t know until we know can be quite fascinating!

Now, this doesn’t mean we don’t still use other terms, like “optometrist”, in our content. However, we do know that if the majority of people are searching for “eye doctor” over “optometrist” that we should be ranking high in “eye doctor” – and we need to use it frequently, in multiple places, and in the right places for optimization.

Don’t Forget!

You also need to consider what is happening and changing in the world that might matter to your clients and industry at the moment. For example, a key phrase during the COVID-19 pandemic is, “Are eye doctors open now?” Other examples of times people might be searching for different terms or phrases would be during different seasons or weather patterns, election years, new technology – you get the idea. This is all shown in the

Have Fun With It

It really is important to remember that terms vary by region or location and in changing times. For example, is it soda or pop from where you are searching? I bet you can’t wait to find out! It’s all in the details, folks! Who says folks anymore? Well, according to Google Trends… pretty much no one! Online anyway.

You’re Welcome!

We ❤️ this tool and find it so fascinating. The lesson here is that sometimes we are used to how we say things, or we are used to our own industry’s technical jargon and we forget that consumers are not always just like us. We have to meet our clients where they are.

Google Trends breaks this down for us, and it is free and super fun to use. This is what we like to call Trendy Education!

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