Jodi Richey

Senior Designer

Jodi Richey is a thoughtful and talented senior graphic designer at Eleanor Creative in Lincoln, NE. She has over 17 years experience designing for all aspects of branding, marketing, and advertising. Her down-to-earth style combines with a strategic approach to solve communication and marketing challenges.

From print and online media to specialty projects, Jodi creates purposeful and meaningful designs with a sharpened ability to adapt her skills to a variety of concepts and industries. Whether it’s a logo, e-newsletter, social media animation, brochure, or blog post, creating expertly crafted designs is her speciality. A former Senior Marketer in the healthcare industry, she seeks to elevate brands through clean, elegant graphic design.

Attentive in nature, hard-working, and a comprehensive understanding of the entire creative process allows Jodi Richey to translate communication and marketing goals to strategic and innovative print and digital designs while keeping brands fresh, relevant, and cohesive. She utilizes emerging technologies with tried-and-true design principles to achieve beautifully effective designs.

Solid and genuine, Jodi’s dependability drives her to do the very best for her clients and co-workers. A conscientious eye for detail combines with an understanding of the uniqueness of each project to find effective solutions.

Her design love infiltrates her life, from personal artwork to hand-made crafts to the interior of her 100-year-old home. She has a love for cycling and the outdoors which is often shared with her husband and two children as well as her local community through volunteer work with area events that encourage activity and healthier lifestyles.

Her Strengths

— Responsibility
— Deliberative
— Harmony
— Individualization
— Relator
Meet the Team
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Jacque Genovese

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Mackenzie Slivka

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Courtney Craig

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Emma Lauterbach

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