Ad Copywriting

Wordsmiths. Copywriters. Creative Copy Geniuses. You can find the ad copy team that you need at Eleanor Creative.

Our team revels in ad copywriting. It’s one of the many things that our clients expect from us – brilliant ad copy and content creation.

What you get

  • Campaign Research
  • Ad Copy Creative
  • Messaging Presentation

Ad copywriting services are a strategic and creative endeavor.

We keep your goals at the forefront while we explore messaging that can’t be found anywhere else.

It’s your message, your ad copy. It needs to be unique to your mission, your organization and your goals.

Here’s how we’ve helped other clients stand out with creative content and ad copy. Grab a cup, and take a read.

Our ad copywriting services create action.

Community Action, a non-profit focused on services that help the working class, needed a way to share their services across the state of Nebraska. The challenge was that their message was extremely convoluted. They communicated about “programs” but it was difficult to understand what problems the programs solved.

We understood that Community Action was a direct way for people to improve their lives. They offered direct solutions for so many situations that the working class faced. They just needed a way to say it loud, and to say it clear.

Behind on rent?
We’ve got a solution for that.

Looking for affordable early childhood education?
We’ve got a solution for that.

Hungry kids?
We’ve got a solution for that.

It was creative content production services and ad copy that brought a clear message and a clear direction to those looking for solutions to their circumstances.

Educate with Ad Content Creation

In addition to strong ad copywriting services, we also offer content creation for all digital platforms. When Sylvan Learning Centers needed to spice things up on their digital ads and social media platforms, they turned to Eleanor Creative for new ad copywriting energy.

We tucked in some humor and grammar jokes into Sylvan’s new campaign and paired it with energetic colors and photography. We know that our ad copy is clutch, but we also believe that solid design is an imperative part of the creative ad content process.

Content Production Services

At Eleanor Creative in Lincoln, NE we are the content producers for numerous clients in the Midwest. We help you establish the voice of your brand, and we craft the advertising copy in a way that feels authentic and true to your organization.

Our advertising copywriters work with healthcare, agriculture, non-profits, and numerous niche clients. We are always focused on listening to your goals and then making it all come to life with ad copywriting that has a lot of soul.