Logo Design

Logos designed to last.

Logo design is part of the brand experience, and at Eleanor it’s how we started to make our mark in the industry.



What you get

  • Brand Audit
  • Competition Research
  • Visual Research
  • Logo Design Implementation

Does your logo design represent your business well?

Logo design should be as timeless as possible, and we always strive for that. They should be built on the foundational principles of design, not on the latest Instagram trend. Logos should be built for scale – from favicon to billboards, every size should be considered. Logo design should not tell every part of your story, but they should be used consistently to stay in the minds of your consumers.

We take our clients through a strategic logo design process.

At Eleanor Creative, we have a strategic logo design process that we take our clients through. We have designed logos for numerous clients in Lincoln, Nebraska and across the Midwest.

We start every logo design process with a brand audit. We know that it’s your brand story that we need to tell, and we want to understand your history, mission and future goals. Knowing you and your story is the only way to get the logo process right, and we’re here for it.

After the brand audit, we take time to get to know your position in the market and how to differentiate you from the competition. Research is a foundational part of Eleanor Creative’s logo process.

While we revel in qualitative research, our designers can’t wait for the visual research to begin. This is where we take everything we have learned from our interviews and interpret it visually – into Mood Boards.

After all, you should have some sort of visual outline before you are married to your logo design for life. Once the visual direction is approved, we move into the logo design phase. It’s one that is fully-thought out for every use-case scenario that you might encounter. We want you to see how your logo will live in the environment where it’s needed most.