Bold not Boring. That’s StartupLNK. When leading energetic entrepreneurs, one has to stand out in a crowd. Choosing Eleanor Creative was the perfect place to START for this brand.
The Challenge
Building a business demands the ability to pivot, adapt quickly, and persevere in the face of genuine risk. Startup entrepreneurs come to STARUP LNK for advice and resources so they can reach their goals. They needed a brand that said, We are STARTUP LNK. We are Bold, not Boring. Let’s get Started.
The Solution
As a team committed to supporting the diverse and ever-evolving network of business builders in Lincoln, STARTUP LNK’s visual identity had to speak to those demands. Its primary mark is defined by its agility rather than a static setting. Changes across every metric—size, orientation, kerning, leading—keep viewers’ eyes moving to their next target and engaged in what STARTUP LNK is doing next.
The Outcome
This new brand shatters the mold of the expected and the build out of assets gives them the tools they need to progress. The STARTUP LNK brand is charged and electric, positioned to lead the way.